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What are the types and characteristics of Housing Containers?
2022-12-23 00:29:30

The open-top special House Container is a house Container without a roof or with an open top. When loading and unloading goods, a crane needs to be used to load or unload heavy goods from the top of the box. This kind of housing container is suitable for loading super high cargo such as glass plates, steel products, plywood, mechanical equipment, etc., heavy cargo that can be fixed by the side wall, and cargo that is difficult to load and unload from the door but must be loaded and unloaded from the roof.

The frame-type special House Container is a house container that has no roof and wall, and the end wall of the box can also be unloaded, leaving only the bottom and four-corner columns to bear the load. This kind of housing container is mainly used for long-term, overweight, light foamed goods, heavy machinery, steel, steel pipe, bare equipment, etc. Heavy cargo, oversized cargo, cargo that is not afraid of wind and rain, cargo that needs to be loaded from the top or side of the box, and cargo that needs to be fixed inside the box.

House Container

The bulk special housing container is a housing container used to load bulk powder and granular goods such as soybeans, rice, malt, flour, feed, cement, resin, borax, and chemical raw materials. For some goods that require plant quarantine, such as imported grain, some need to be fumigated at anchorage outside the port. Openings for inputting fumigant and fumigant gas outlets can be provided on the bulk housing container, and the housing container can be required to be completely airtight during fumigation.

The tank-shaped special House Container is a house container suitable for loading liquid goods such as alcohol, oil, chemicals, and dangerous goods. This type of housing container has a special structure and equipment suitable for loading this type of cargo. When loading, the goods enter through the loading hole on the top of the tank; when unloading, the goods flow out by gravity from the bottom discharge hole or sucked out from the top loading port.

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