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Dump truck maintenance skills and advantages
2022-07-17 01:47:22

A dump truck is a vehicle that unloads goods by itself by hydraulic or mechanical lift. Also called dump truck. It is composed of automobile chassis, hydraulic lifting mechanism, cargo compartment and power take-off device. In civil engineering, dump trucks often work in conjunction with construction machinery such as excavators, loaders, and belt conveyors to form a loading, transportation, and unloading production line for the loading and unloading of earthwork, sand, and bulk materials.

Front Load Bin

Advantages of dump trucks

Because the loading carriage can automatically tip over a certain angle for unloading, it greatly saves unloading time and labor, shortens the transportation cycle, improves production efficiency, and reduces transportation costs. It is a commonly used special-purpose vehicle for transportation.

Maintenance Tips

New dump trucks or overhauled trucks must be tested to make the lifting process of the carriage smooth and without movement.

When using, the lubricating oil should be correctly selected for each part according to the regulations, which greatly saves unloading time and labor, and the lifting mechanism should exchange the oil strictly on schedule.

Ship according to the rated load, and overload is strictly prohibited.


1. According to the shape classification: single-axle dump truck, double-axle dump truck, flat head dump truck, pointed dump truck, front four and rear eight dump trucks, double-axle semi-trailer dump truck, three-axle semi-trailer dump truck

2. Classified by use: agricultural dump trucks, mine dump trucks, garbage dump trucks, coal transport dump trucks, construction machinery dump trucks, sludge dump trucks

3. According to the different driving modes, it is also divided into 6x4, 8x4 and semi-trailer dump trucks.

4. According to different uses, it is also divided into mining dump trucks, which are used to transport coal mines, sand and gravel; sanitation and greening dump trucks, which are used to transport garbage, etc.

5. There are front lift and rollover dump trucks according to the direction of the carriage. At present, there are also two-way rollover dump trucks, which are mainly used in construction projects.

Холбоотой шошго: Dump Truck Body



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